CCT and ‘De Crew’ donate to FSN
As telecommunication provider, CCT continues their ongoing campaign initiative CCT Cares that is aimed to give back to the community, they partnered with Sherwin A. Peters, member of the promotion team ‘De Crew’ to make a donation to the Family Support Network (FSN).
The donation was made on Friday, April 20, 2018, to the President of Family Support Network (FSN), Mrs Judith M. Charles.
CCT’s Marketing Manager, Mr Recaldo E. Richardson said, “The donation was done as part of our ongoing campaign for CCT Cares. We also partnered with ‘De Crew’ in March for a special event and now a portion of the proceeds are being donated to FSN in an effort to give back to the community.”
Mrs Charles followed by expressing “extreme” gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the organisation.